Adobe Youth Voices

"Adobe Youth Voices has not only given me a voice but also the skills, confidence, friendships, new experiences and a chance to change my environment. I can comfortably work with majority of Adobe’s software; I have confidence in all my projects and my message because I know that every message is worth the attention."

— Oredola Praise Kayode, Youth Participant, Nigeria

Who we work with

Our partner sites are NGOs, youth organizations and educational institutions that are passionate about youth development. Each partner site is committed to integrating Adobe Youth Voices into their current programming in a way that is sustainable and long lasting. The expertise and energy brought forth by each of our partners is what has driven this program to success. Through the program, our partner sites are able to collaborate with organizations worldwide to support youth empowerment.


Get Involved!

Do you work with creative youth aged 13-18? Are you interested in media making? Find out how you can get involved!

Our Partners

Currently we are working with 75 partners in to empower young people to use their voices and change the world!





Middle East

North America

Central America

South America

Applications are currently closed.


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